Monday, September 12, 2011

Time - it's not ours.


Ten years ago, our lives changed forever.

They didn't plan on dying that morning.
Mothers & fathers, sons & daughters, best friends & acquaintances - human beings. Life for them was not meant to last, cut short by the delusional desires of men seeking to gain favor with their god. Many know the names who passed on that day, all have heard stories of bravery and heroism. "A day of infamy" fails to capture our sentiments. The emotions brought upon us cannot truly be summarized through any media.

Never in my life have I had the overwhelming combination of sadness, fear, & frustration. Anger & confusion. The discussion of "who's to blame" will go on for years, the question "why" will never be answered, and the thoughts of the deceased will fail to subside.

*     *     *

You never know what tomorrow will bring: we've heard it all before. But it seems the mantra "I'll do it tomorrow" is one that far too many subconsciously live by, myself included. It needs to be dropped from our vocabulary, from our minds completely. Those we lost on September 11th did not have the luxury of tomorrow, and neither do we. Only the big man upstairs knows when our time is; we should not be wasting our days, putting things off until later, pushing thoughts away until our mind returns them to us. We give away time that does not belong to us. If there is something you have wanted to do, do it. Or something you need to say? Say it, don't wait. Haven't accomplished a dream? What are you waiting for! Our country lost over three-thousand men and women in the BLINK OF AN EYE. These were people who had dreams, goals, & aspirations; people who wanted more out of life, but were not give the chance.

In those final moments, it is said that a flash back of your life comes before you, a conclusion of what your name stood for. Do you want to look back and realize there are things on your list that haven't been checked? That you never told that one special person how you felt? The acknowledgement that a lifelong dream has gone unrealized, turned into the sadness of lost potential? Regret is a terrible replacement for ambition.

Think about it.

The time for living is now, because tomorrow is anything but guaranteed.

*     *     *     *     *

Sunday, September 4, 2011

So apparently I... the same couple of things over and over.

The nice thing about new friends is that they point out things that they notice about you, things your friends at home already know to be a part of you and your personality. When you meet someone new, you sub-consciously observe and note there actions, or so is my experience.

The top three things I've been said to mention more than often:
  1. Soccer
  2. Wanting to walk everywhere
  3. Beer
* sometimes in the same sentence

    Sounds about right.

    A week in Costa Rica, I feel settled. The excited stage has warn away, and the fact that this is my home for the next few months has at last sunk in.

    I haven't any real stories to write about, so I'll just blabber about things. Cool? Cool.


    Shaving cream is a waste of money, soap works just as well.

    I bring my raincoat with me wherever I go. It rains here at 2pm.. everyday. 

    My host mother cooks very well, I eat like a king. 

    I must have killed at least 200 little ants since I've been here. They're everywhere.

    I take the bus to the city - it's like riding Spacemountain.

    The security to get into the bank is equal to that of Newark airport.

    We got pulled over in a cab the other day for having too many people.
    Nothing happened.

    Ticos like limes, a lot.

    If you wear a white dress to the club, you're a slut - I guarantee it.

    Every car here is manual (stick shift).

    I really like Yucca, and really don't like fresh papaya.

    Top three types of stores here: Shoe stores, Bakery's, and
    the "useless crap no one needs" stores

    Everytime you see another American, you nod.

    Really enjoying my classes. I don't get it either.

    New favorite beer: Imperial.

    I met a homeless guy from Brooklyn in the park today. His name was Owen; 
    we talked for a half hour.

    Which reminds me, homeless people love white people. 

    Section of [things I miss] 
    • English speaking family members
    • Video games
    • PB&J's
    • 56 Maple Street
    • A good pillow
    • Screens on windows
    • Cereal 
    Pura Vida, Mis Amigos
    Hasta Luego