Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My host father has revealed to me that he likes "za nueva jork jankees".
You sir, have been approved.

Things I don't do here:
  1. Snack - three meals a day only, with a cup of coffee and lot of water in between.
  2. Shower at night - it's unusual for people to shower at night here, therefore I do not.
  3. Speak English - obviously.
  4. Walk the streets in confidence - I've only got lost once, and holy hell is this area sketchtastic. Overall I feel safe when I take a walk, but boy do I get some looks being a gringo in the ghetto.
  5. Shave - why the hell not.. new country, new face.

Things I do do here:
  1. Laugh at the fact I just wrote "do do".
  2. Keep a flashlight next to my bed - geckos, mosquitoes, spiders and feral friggen cats are all up and down this area. Yeah, I wouldn't blame me either.
  3. Follow soccer/watch TV shows more than ever. My latest kick: Modern Family
  4. Carry a Spanish-English dictionary with me at all times, even at dinner.
  5. Take a nap when it rains.

And now you know.

Section of Yummm:

  • Ham, Cheese, Tomato sandwich
  • Pan dulce (sweet bread)
  • Fresh mango & watermelon
  • Coffee, water
  •  Grilled pork chop
  • Choice of rice and/or mashed potato
  • Black beans
  • Pineapple
  • Freshly squeezed key lime drink, water 
Yes, I had the same thing for lunch as I did for dinner
and in no way
is that depressing

Pura Vida, Mis Amigos
hasta maƱana


  1. growing out a beard? about time!

  2. Last time the beard made you look like a Quaker. Your diet sounds like one I should be on.......pops

  3. Love reading your adventures. Doesn't matter if you ever step foot in a classroom. You'll learn more this semester than all the rest of your time in Oneonta!
